Group 33

Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is an outpatient procedure that removes the back molars, also called wisdom teeth. Outpatient surgery means you will arrive and leave the facility on the same day, with no overnight stay. While the procedure its...
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What is the Purpose of Wisdom Teeth?

When it comes to the human body some things just seem so random. Take wisdom teeth, for example, those late-blooming third molars that human...
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How to Prepare and Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Ancient Greeks and Disney channel stars may not have a lot in common but from Aristotle to Zendaya, they have all had to deal with “wisdom t...
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Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is an outpatient procedure that removes the last molars, also called wisdom teeth. Outpatient surgery means you...
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Why Spring and Summer Break are the Best Time for Wisdom Tooth Removal

When you’re facing oral surgery for wisdom teeth removal, you want to choose the best time. Wisdom teeth removal will necessitate some recov...
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Wisdom Teeth: Should They Stay or Should They Go?

patient receiving dental work
Have you ever considered that teeth serve as milestones in life? Much is made of the appearance of a child's first tooth, and then approxima...
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Risks Involved With Not Removing Wisdom Teeth

dentist with patient
Wisdom teeth removal commonly occurs in a patient's mid-teens to early twenties, typically on breaks from school. However, a commonly asked ...
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Causes & Cures of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Your wisdom teeth are located in the very back of your mouth and, if they're starting to cause pain, it’s probably time to have them checked...
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Had Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Here’s What's on the Post-Surgery Menu

After having their wisdom teeth removed many people experience very little pain while others are not so fortunate. However, it's important t...
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Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth

Dentist working on a female patient at his practice
Wisdom teeth are teeth that erupt in the very back of your mouth on both the top and the bottom. These teeth come in much later in life, whi...
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