Group 33

The Role of Oral Surgeons in Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancers account for about 3 percent of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States with 54,000 new cases each year and more than 11,000 deaths. Like most cancers, early detection is key to successful treatment options.
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Why Do I Have a Rash in My Mouth?

Woman with hands over her mouth
It’s probably never good to have a “rash” of anything in your life except maybe bacon, and even in that context, your cardiologist might wan...
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Understanding Dental Implants: What is a Healing Abutment?

Dental Implants
Advances in titanium-based dental implants give patients with missing teeth today more options beyond the traditional dentures or bridges.
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October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

In 1989, October was first declared National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in an effort to promote awareness and prevention of domestic ...
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Replacing Missing Teeth: How Urgent is it to Seek Help?

Surely, there are worse things to experience, but having a tooth knocked out definitely ranks high on the misery index of life’s unfortunate...
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Complications from Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extraction
Experts think tooth extractions were probably the first dental treatment in human history and the procedure remains very common today with e...
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What is Marsupialization of a Keratocyst?

Dentists looking at a cranial x-ray at the hospital
Marsupialization is a conservative and non-invasive surgical option to treat keratocysts, especially in the case of large cysts, or with ver...
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Pineapple Juice and Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery: Fact or Fiction?

Pineapple juice
If you put stock in the adage that it is best to “believe none of what you hear and believe half of what you see” then what are we to make o...
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Oral Mucoceles: What Causes Them and How to Treat Them

Doctor looking inside the mouth of a child at the dentist
Oral mucoceles, sometimes called an oral mucous cyst, is a harmless, painless swelling on the lip or inside of the mouth.
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Sore Spot: Your Oral Surgeon Can Treat Scar Tissue in Your Mouth

man holding mouth in pain
You know what’s irritating? That … that, right there! That sore spot in your mouth that nobody else can see – except for your hygienist and ...
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