Group 33
2 min read
esolutions that we make each year are related to our health

Springtime: A Time to Refresh Your Health

As 2018 approached, many us of eagerly accepted the challenges of adopting optimistic and rigorous New Year’s resolutions.   Unfortunately, almost three months into the new year, about 90% of our New Year’s resolutions have fallen by the wayside.  How are your New Year’s resolutions coming along?  Maybe it’s time to hit the refresh button.  After all, spring is the season of renewal, rebirth and growth.   Many of the resolutions that we make each year are related to our health – weight loss, fitness, and healthy living -  and it is never too late to improve in all three of these areas.

Start Your Health Journey

A weight loss plan should begin with your physician.  Have a check-up to make sure that you are healthy enough to begin such a program.  Set realistic expectations.   Choose a weight loss plan that suits you.   There are so many from which to choose.  Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and The Biggest Loser Diet rank among the top diets for weight loss.  For more information about the most popular diets, click on the link:

When it comes to fitness, it isn’t necessary to start out running a marathon.  Again, set realistic goals.  With springtime’s warmer weather and longer days, a brisk walk around your neighborhood is a good place to start.  Consider biking, swimming or joining a fitness class or sports team.  Grab a friend, too.  It’s all about getting up and moving around.   And, to make it fun, consider one of the new high-tech fitness trackers that will help you stay motivated and improve your health by tracking activity, exercise, weight and sleep.

Without a doubt, healthier living includes a good diet and exercise.  But, it includes so much more.  Make sure you are getting enough sleep.  Sleep deprivation can lead to decreased performance at school and work, impaired memory and a poor quality of life. The importance of adequate sleep cannot be overstated!  Also, try to spend time with loved ones each day.  Studies have shown that spending time with family and friends can decrease loneliness, reduce stress levels and also help you with achieving your healthy living goals.  Finally, think happy and positive thoughts.  Meditate quietly each morning or read encouraging scripture.  You will be prepared to face the day ahead.

So as we spring forward, resolve to recommit.  Pick one or two of your most important resolutions and approach them in small steps that can eventually turn into habits.  And, if you “fall off the wagon,” give yourself a break.  The good news is that tomorrow is a new day with a fresh beginning!


Dr. M. James Clark is a board-certified oral surgeon, practicing at the Technology Forest office of Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.  If you have any questions regarding oral health or oral surgery, please contact us here.

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