Are you considering oral surgery, but don't want to schedule it during the holidays because you're worried about missing out on the abundance of delicious food that's served only once a year? Fear not, you festive — you won't be restricted to sipping chicken broth and eating oatmeal while others celebrate with the usual cornucopia of holiday food. While we don't recommend eating chestnuts, there are plenty of other festive foods you can eat while recovering from oral surgery.
In most cases, such as wisdom-teeth extractions or dental-implant placement, oral surgery shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying your holidays. We urge you to use caution and good judgment when selecting your foods. Follow your doctor’s post-surgical instructions regarding care and cleaning. Last but not least, always remember that we encourage our patients to call us with any questions or concerns, so please don't hesitate to reach out.
Contact us today if you're considering oral surgery before the end of 2018. Visit our website to find a Northwest Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery office that is most convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.