Group 33
2 min read

Causes & Cures of Wisdom Tooth Pain

Pain Relief direction sign on sky background-1Your wisdom teeth are located in the very back of your mouth and, if they're starting to cause pain, it’s probably time to have them checked. There are a several reasons why your wisdom teeth could be bothering you, and most of those reasons lead you down the same path: Wisdom Teeth Removal.

Some people never have a problem with their wisdom teeth and, for that reason, never have to have them removed. However, the majority of people DO need to have their wisdom teeth removed because they don’t have room to grow in without becoming impacted or shifting other teeth. The key thing to note in any situation is this: wisdom teeth rarely cause pain unless there is something wrong.

5 Causes of Wisdom Tooth Pain:

  • Growing Pains: The first and most common cause of pain from wisdom teeth is simply them growing in. When they break through the gums, it can cause pain, slight swelling and soreness.
  • Cavity: Anyone who has teeth that are close together has probably heard of flossing cavities (lucky you if you haven't)! Since the space where wisdom teeth grow in is pretty tight, they often grow in very close to neighboring teeth. The tight space between the two teeth is hard to clean, making it a prime spot for cavities (AKA flossing cavities) to form.
  • Impacted Tooth: Because they are the very last teeth to come in, and because they have such little, crowded space to do so, wisdom teeth can become impacted. This is when they don't have the room to grow up and out of the gum, so they become stuck in the jaw. If a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, it can cause swelling, pain when chewing or biting, pain in the jaw and difficulty opening your mouth.
  • Cyst Development: When a wisdom tooth is impacted, a cyst can form at the impacted tooth’s follicle, causing pain (and damage) in the tooth and jawbone.
  • Gum Disease: Just like cavities, gum disease is also more likely to form on wisdom teeth because their location and lack of space make them harder to clean.

Here's how you can relieve pain from wisdom teeth:

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Having your wisdom teeth removed is the best way to fix any wisdom-tooth-related issues and prevent any future problems. 

Cold Compress/Ice: A cold compress or ice pack can help to temporarily numb the ache in your jaw.

Ibuprofen/Aspirin: An anti-inflammatory, like ibuprofen or aspirin, will help control the pain. Just make sure you don’t take more than the recommended daily dosage.

Benzocaine: There are many different brands of mouth-numbing gels made of benzocaine. You can use any benzocaine agent to dull the pain in your gums, even Baby Orajel.

If you think you are experiencing pain from your wisdom teeth, you should schedule an appointment to have them checked out as soon as possible. Wisdom teeth removal is the best way to cure and prevent any wisdom-tooth-related oral health problems. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or visit our website at

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